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  • Ahmed Sulaiman

DP-600 Exam Guide: Advanced Power BI Techniques (Article 9)

Updated: 1 day ago

Are you preparing for the DP-600 exam and looking to master advanced Power BI techniques? Our detailed guide covers everything you need to know to excel in your exam and enhance your data analytics skills.

Key Topics Covered:

Composite Models: Learn how to leverage DirectQuery and import connections for optimized performance.

Template Files: Discover the advantages of using .pbit files for reusable and consistent reports.

PBIDS Data Source Files: Understand the importance of PBIDS files for simplified data connections.

XMLA Endpoints: Explore advanced management and querying capabilities with XMLA endpoints.

Shared Semantic Models: Promote collaboration and data consistency with shared models.

Pre-Calculated Aggregations: Boost query performance with efficient aggregation techniques.

Large Format Semantic Models: Handle massive datasets with ease using Power BI Premium.

Downstream Dependencies: Manage and analyze the impact of changes across your Power BI artifacts.

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